Dirt Work & Earthwork
Dirt work is the first step in building any new construction. It is literally laying the foundation for the foundation! The ground must be prepared appropriately in order to avoid shifting ground (which can crack the concrete foundation), rainwater drainage problems, and tree roots that get in the way of underground utilities. With our experience, we can successfully execute any dirt work & earthwork you have. Do you have a dirt work & earthwork project? Give us call so we can evaluate your needs for effective completion.
Houston, Land Clearing, Service, Dirt Work,Earthwork, Excavation, Hydro Mulching, Tree Removal, Stump Grinding, Root Raking, Land Grading, Detention, Retention Ponds, Driveways, Building Pads, Demolition, Underbrush Clearing Services, Culvert, Utility Trenches, Construction Entrances, Sealy, Brookshire. |
Land ClearingLand clearing removes all vegetation from the topsoil. This may include tree removal as well, and when followed up with root raking and stump removal, the likelihood of plants growing back in the area diminishes. Land clearing is useful not only for preparing a building site, but for clearing hunting trails, preventing the spread of forest fires in at-risk areas, creating easements and even clearing land that is intended for a farm, garden or orchard.
Land GradingThere’s a reason why houses and barns are built on a property’s highest point: they are less likely to flood in heavy rains. But when the property has no natural hills or is in a low-lying area to begin with, land grading ensures that the water flows away from the building pad or foundation and helps to stabilize the soil. Whether you’re planning a to build a house, barn, garage or shed, proper land grading will save you from many headaches in the future.
Retention & Detention PondsOnce water moves moves away from buildings thanks to land grading, you may wish to conserve that water or to help it flow into a pond where it won’t leave a soggy mess on your entire property. Creating these channels and ponds requires moving dirt, and at Tex Con Construction, dirt work is one of our specialties. Let us help you create these berms, swales, retention ponds and/or detention ponds with our efficient machinery and knowledgeable team.